Go and find a job. Go and get a flat.
Find somebody else, put them in the flat, make them stay.
Get a toaster, go to work, get in the bus, look at your boss, say «fuck», sit down.
Pick up the thing, go blank, scream internally, go home.
Listen to the radio, look at the other person, think «why, why did this happen?».
Go to bed! Lie awake! At night!
Get up, feel groggy, put the things on - your clothes, whatever they`re called.
Go out the door, into work.
Same things, same people, again, it is real, it is happening to you.
Go home again! Sit, radio, dinner, hmm...
Gardening, gardening, gardening, death.

Dylan Moran

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Он там будет. Я - нет.